Friday 19 December 2014

A champagne breakfast & a farewell

Knowing the dock in Falmouth harbour is a dangerous place to be ( due to the strong influence of expresso martinis and rum) and feeling dusty from the two previous nights we set off for Carlisle bay. Carlisle bay is home to a 5 star resort who were friendly to visiting yachts and happy for us to use the facilities and stay for lunch. We had gained a stowaway in the form of Caroline who was on holiday in Antigua after the boat show. That afternoon was spent paddle boarding, swimming and playing scrabble as the sun gave us a spectacular show as she set. 

Having safety drilled into her conscience, Freyja (having gone very quiet as the last of the rosé went down) announced (the rather obvious but unobserved by others fact that...) we were now the only boat in the bay....bobbing all by ourselves : ( With a bit off a swell already making us roll the decision was soon made to move back round the 3 miles to Falmouth harbour. A late night adventure!

The decision worked out well as the following day we had to say goodbye to our lovely Amy. After a breakfast of pancakes and Champagne we took her ashore to go start her epic 4 day journey home to Australia. 

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